Terpenes are organic compounds found in many plants. They are responsible for the characteristic aroma and flavor of plants, but they also offer a range of health benefits. In this article, we'll explore what terpenes are and why they're important.

Understanding terpenes in plants

Definition of terpenes

Terpenes are aromatic hydrocarbons naturally present in plants. They are found in essential oils and contribute to the distinctive scent of each plant. There is a wide variety of terpenes, each with its own aromatic profile and specific properties.

Role of terpenes

Terpenes play an important role in the nature attracting pollinators and repelling predators. In addition, they can offer human health benefits through their potential therapeutic properties. Some terpenes have relaxing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant or analgesic effects.

Terpenes and therapeutic properties

It's only recently that people have become aware of the potential medicinal properties of terpenes, and this is gradually beginning to spread.

Growshops here are a few varieties of terpenes and their therapeutic properties:


Linalool is one of the most recognizable terpenes. It is responsible for the scent so recognizable in many perfumes and cosmetics. It's the main compound that gives lavender its unique scent!
Linalool is known for its therapeutic properties for the body. Often used as a natural sleeping aid, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic or topical cream.
Anecdote: Renaissance insomniacs used to place small sachets of lavender under their pillows.


Limonene is found in citrus fruits, but also in mint, juniper, rosemary and pine. Limonene is one of the most commonly used terpenes. It appears as an ingredient in foods, medicines, cosmetics and detergents.
It contributes significantly to the qualities of fruit and vegetables.
Various studies have highlighted limonene's role in modulating the body's immune system, resulting in an anti-cancer effect. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. All of which makes this terpene a promising option in the treatment of certain forms of cancer.

Eucalyptus.png Cineole terpene, or eucalyptol, is a monoterpenoid abundant in the nature.
This molecule is found in eucalyptus, tea tree, bay leaves, basil, sage...
Eucalyptol is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used to increase blood circulation and relieve pain.

But also ..

A-pinene, found in pine needles. Used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and memory aid.

Beta-Caryophyllene, present in black pepper. Used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it also protects the lining of the digestive tract.

Myrcene, present in hops. Used as a sedative, it aids sleep and relaxes muscles.


Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants. Not only do they provide distinctive aromas and flavors, but they can also have beneficial effects on human health. Understanding terpenes can help plant enthusiasts choose varieties that match their preferences and therapeutic needs.

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